Armistice Day Commemoration

At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, the guns fell silent, marking the end of the first world war in 1918. On the 11th November 2023 our Services Academy marched down to Levin Cenotaph to attend the Armistice day commemoration. The students represented...

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Model EU

Model EU was an amazing experience for us students at Horowhenua College. There were many schools from all over the country. Some were very intimidating but we stuck together and performed well. We were all given a country to represent in the European Union. I had...

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Anna Cochrane, a Year 13 art student, has been successful in her selection to a very special art exhibition in Wellington this week. She chose a painting from her Year 12 folio boards, and entered into the exhibition. Judges then go through the submissions from...

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