Plogging Club – 300km

On Tuesday 7 November the Plogging Club at Horowhenua College completed 300 km of running and litter collection for the year. Plogging is the act of running and collecting litter throughout the community. Throughout the year they have collected over 187 kg of litter!...

Congratulations Harrison McQuillan

Congratulations Harrison McQuillan on winning the Horowhenua College Year 10 DVC Craftbuild Flatpack Furniture Competition. A big thanks to Simon Raikes, Natalie, Jo and the team at Craftbuild Industries Levin for sponsoring this project and the time spent working...

Outdoor Education

In Term 2, Senior Outdoor Education classes have been participating in assessments for bushcraft and survival skills, camping, mountain biking, and rock climbing. The students have been making use of the Manawatū, Horowhenua-Kāpiti, and Porirua regions. Level 2 &...