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Stationery List 2025
Dec 3, 2024 | Enrolment, School News
Click here to view our stationery lists for 2025.
Open Evening 26 June 2024 6pm
Jun 12, 2024 | Enrolment, School News
Entry Requirements:
Students must be able to display a motivated, keen interest in the programme and must be prepared to complete the three New Zealand Defence Force courses.
Term One – Induction Course in Waiouru, 12 days
Term Two – Bush Craft Skills, 5 days
Term Four – Adventure Challenge, 5 days
A limit of 20 students per course has been allocated. Referrals are dealt with on a case by case basis.
The recruitment process has a high standard and must maintain these standards to ensure a successful programme.
To help students assimilate into the programme, an interview with their parents will be conducted to ensure each applicant is fully aware of the structure, curriculum, and responsibilities the Services Academy has to offer.
Year 12/13 Educational/Military skills Unit Standards
This is a full-year programme designed for students who are;
- Looking for a career in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Police or any other uniformed service.
- Have previously disengaged from the education system and have returned needing support to achieve qualifications, and
- School leavers who need extra support and guidance to achieve their goals.
Year 11 Option Class
This one year class conducts unit standards, drill, mentor-ship and military skills.
Year 10 Option Class
This class is designed for students who need extra support and guidance to achieve their goals.
This programme is split into two term modules. Term one/two, and Term three/four. Modules include a mentoring programme, marching and teambuilding activities.
Students can enrol for all modules.
Year 9 Option Class
This class teaches marching drills, life skills and teambuilding activities.
The NZDF values will be impressed upon all students during all courses, these are;
The Horowhenua College Services Academy will provide students with vocational opportunities, skills, and experiences that will assist with their individual career pathways and learning within a military-based environment.