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Beginning of the Year Program 2025
Dec 5, 2024 | School News
Stationery List 2025
Dec 3, 2024 | Enrolment, School News
Click here to view our stationery lists for 2025.
What is Rangatahi Ora?
Students in Rangatahi Ora have the opportunity to learn about a Māori worldview and about themselves, as Māori. It is also a support network for students and parents with regular hui. Rangatahi Ora is whānau driven where whānau make the decisions on how we as a whānau move forward. We also work in partnership with our local iwi and the Muaūpoko Tribal Authority. There is a strong emphasis on the students’ engagement and commitment to both Rangatahi Ora and their college life.
The Program Includes:
Whānau Classes
There are four Rangatahi Ora whānau classes that represent the college houses; Kōwhai, Ngaio, Hīnau and Rātā. Whānau classes are held in the college’s Wharenui “Te Puna o te Mātauranga” where we start each day with karakia as a whānau.
Rangatahi Ora Year 9 Core Class
Year 9 students in Rangatahi Ora will form a core class and study these subjects together: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education. These are delivered using a Māori context and align with our college-wide curriculum.
Tikanga Tuesday
- Tikanga sessions are held Tuesday lunchtimes
- Students learn karakia, waiata, haka & pepeha
- Tuakana/teina relationships developed while learning in a fun environment
Wānanga Wednesday
- A tikanga Māori programme delivered to local primary schools by Rangatahi Ora
- Tuakana students take on leadership roles
- Focus on karakia, waiata, haka, pepeha, pōwhiri and whakawhanaungatanga
Kaitahi Thursday
- Kaitahi (Shared kai) Thursdays at 1:30pm
- Practice tikanga such as karakia
- Students are encouraged to bring a koha (food item or $2) to share with the group
Rangatahi Ora Tuakana Trips
- A trip to inspire our Tuakana to consider greater opportunities beyond college life
- Visit Universities and Polytechnics, and meet successful Māori people Rangatahi Ora Teina Trips
- A week-long trip for our Teina during Activities Week in December.
- Destinations include Auckland visiting Rainbows End and the Skytower or Hawkes Bay going to Splash Planet and sailing on the waka Te Matau ā Maui
Rangatahi Ora Fundraisers
- Fundraising ensures students can participate in trips without huge costs imposed on whānau
- Students and their whānau need to commit time outside school hours
- Fundraisers include hāngi, catering the College’s Year 13 Camp and sausage sizzles
Excellence in Engaging Award
In 2017 Rangatahi Ora was a finalist for the Prime Ministers’ Excellence Awards in the category of ‘Excellence in Engaging in Education’. This is a reflection of the engagement of both our students and their whānau. Rangatahi Ora continues to achieve academic success for our Māori students at a high level.