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Horowhenua College offers a full range of subjects from Year 9 to Year 13.
Students are prepared for Levels 1-3 National Certificate of Educational Achievement and Level 4, Scholarship.

What will students study in Year 9?

Compulsory Core:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Physical Education/Health

Language Options:

  • Japanese
  • Te Reo Māori

Compulsory Rotation

  • Tikanga Māori

Rotation Subjects:

  • Art
  • Music
  • Design & Visual Communication
  • Digital Technology
  • Drama
  • Health Plus
  • Materials Technology
  • Media Studies
  • Outdoor Education
  • Services Academy

What will students study in Year 10?

Compulsory Core:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Physical Education and Health.


  • Japanese
  • Te Reo Maori
  • English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)
  • Art
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Media Studies
  • Sustainability in Action
  • Digital Technology
  • Design Technology
  • Kai Technology
  • Design & Visual Communication
  • Services Academy
  • Outdoor Education
  • High Perfrmance Sports
  • Health Plus

Year 11

Year 11 students are required to study 6 subjects.  All students are required to take English or Te Reo Māori, Science and Maths.  Most Year 11 students will do Level 1 subjects but some, in consultation with the relevant Head of Faculty/Teacher in Charge, may take a subject at a higher level if they are capable of doing so.

Year 12

Year 12 students are required to study 6 subjects.  There are no compulsory subjects in Year 12.  Students may study a combination of Level 1 and Level 2 subjects.  In consultation with the relevant Head of Faculty/Teacher in Charge, a student may take a subject at Level 3 if they are capable of doing so.

Year 13

Year 13 students who are taking 5 Level 3 subjects may have a study line (4 periods of unsupervised study each week).  Students who are doing a combination of Level 2 and Level 3 subjects must do 6 subjects.

Students aiming for University Entrance must take at least 3 “approved subjects” and should be capable of getting at least 14 credits in each of their approved subjects.  Although 3 is the minimum number of approved subjects, students are advised to take at least 4 so that they have a more secure chance of getting the 14 credits in 3 subjects that they need.  They must also get 10 Level 2 Literacy credits, 5 Reading and 5 Writing credits.  These are available from Level 2 and Level 3 English but also from Level 3 subjects such as History, Sociology, Biology.



Trades Academies

Some senior students are involved in Trades Academy programmes which are run in conjunction with UCOL.  We are also running a Horticulture Academy on site.  Students who are doing a Trades Academy course generally have one full day per week out on the course either at UCOL in Palmerston North, or the programme venue.  On the other four days of the week they will have timetabled classes in five subjects plus a supervised study line.

UCOL courses are available to Year 12 and 13 students only.  Our Horticulture Academy is open to all seniors.

Services Academy

Students who wish to be enrolled in the Services Academy must be referred to the Services Academy Director as they must be interviewed with their parents before they are accepted into the Services Academy.  In the Services Academy students do a programme of English, Maths, Science, Outdoor Education and Military Skills.  In exceptional circumstances and in consultation with the Services Academy Director, a student may do one mainstream subject as well as the Services Academy programme.

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