We have the courage to try new things and do our best.
Sustainability – We Care for our World
Attractive surroundings encourage a positive attitude.
We have excellent facilities in which to learn.
Special Features Include:
- Large Modern Library
- Learning Extension Area
- Assembly Hall
- Modern well equipped Technology Block
- Gymnasium
- Performing Arts Centre
- Wharenui (Te Puna o te Mātauranga)
- Two computer rooms; all computers have Windows capability
- Computer pods in the library and Art Suite
- Automotive and Engineering workshops
- Art suite and photographic laboratory
- Five modern Science Labs
- Full size swimming pool
- Beautiful central courtyard
- Two mini vans for trips away
- Rock Wall
- Camera Surveillance
- Recording Studio
- Extensive Playing Fields
- Wifi across entire campus
Success – We Challenge Ourselves
We focus on teaching and learning, closely monitoring student progress to ensure that students gain the best qualifications they can.
High academic achievement is encouraged by:
- A school ‘tone’ which promotes learning as the central focus
- Individual mentor programme for Year 13 students
- Participation in Scholarship exams
- Participation in Australasian Maths and English competitions
- Regular, compulsory homework
- Appropriate alternative courses enabling students to achieve at an appropriate level
- Services Academy
- Horticulture Academy
- Trades Academy
- Badge Assemblies for Academic, Service, Culture and Sports
- Commendation certificates for hard work awarded by the Principal
- Rangatahi Ora Whānau Group
- Special programmes for gifted and talented and highly motivated students.
- ‘Academic Counselling’ provided by Whānau teachers
- Tracking of Academic Achievement by Deans
- After-school homework sessions supervised by teaching staff
- Tuition programmes available at intervals and lunchtimes
Positive Relationships – We Care For Each Other
Care and Support for the Individual
We recognise that each student is a unique individual who needs sustained support and guidance.
This is provided by:
- Whanau Tutors and Deans who move through the school with their Whanau groups. Students will have the same Whānau Tutor and Dean for all their years at College thus providing a consistent focus point for parents and caregivers.
- A student support network in which senior students “mentor” junior students
- Student Council
- Socials and sporting activities run by seniors for junior students
- A formalised Peer Support system
- House Competitions
- A tuakana – teina support system in Rangitahi Ora
- He Vaka Moana group for Pasifika students
- A Learning Support Department which helps students with special learning needs:
- Individual and group remedial tutors
- ESOL work
- Reading option
- Special needs and learning support co-ordinators
- Teacher Aides
- Opportunities for close involvement of parents and caregivers:
- Rangatahi Ora Whanau Group
- In-class support
- Course selection
- Report evenings; orientation evenings
- Sports coaches and managers
- Information evenings eg NCEA
- Parent conferences