Over the holidays between Term 3 and 4 we had four students attend the...
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Armistice Day Commemoration
Dec 4, 2023 | School News, Student Spotlight
At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, the guns fell silent,...
Year 9 student Rawiri Tristram-Brown
Dec 4, 2023 | School News, Student Spotlight
Fantastic article about Year 9 student Rawiri Tristram-Brown. We are...
Board Updates
Keep up to date with our board discussions below.
Mar 1, 2019
Tēnā koutou katoa If you are new to the school – welcome! It’s great to have you as part of our Horowhenua College family! Term 1 is well underway, and we are almost into parent conferences where you have an opportunity to discuss with whānau teachers and your young...
BOARD UPDATE December 2018
Dec 1, 2018
Kia ora koutou As I write this we are racing towards Christmas and the end of the year! 2018 was a busy year in the life of the college with lots of great learning going on in the school. Our Year 9 and 10 academic tracking system has been developed across the year...
BOARD UPDATE October 2018
Oct 1, 2018
Kia ora koutou October’s Board of Trustees was lengthy but productive! I am very grateful we have such a dedicated team of trustees who read all the meeting documents prior to the meeting. We work electronically so thankfully we avoid the need to print off reams of...
May 1, 2018
At our May meeting we invited all the new staff to come and meet the Board of Trustees. We really enjoyed learning about the multitude of roles that our new support and teaching staff are involved in and to be thinking how best we can support them through our...
Apr 1, 2018
Our March and April meetings were held a short time apart, so this is a joint report from our last two trustee meetings. In 2018 as in 2017, we have invited different members of the school into the first part of our board meetings. This gives us a chance to learn...
Mar 2, 2018
Kia ora koutou katoa It’s the end of Term 1 already! If you are a student that is new to school I hope that this term has been a good in terms of settling into life and routines at Horowhenua College. Our aim through management is to grow successful young men and...
Mar 1, 2018
Tēnā koutou katoa We are now well into Term 1 and as usual there is plenty happening at Horowhenua College. As a board we look forward to rising to the challenges and opportunities that come our way during the year! A special welcome to all those families and...
BOARD UPDATE February 2018
Feb 1, 2018
Tēnā koutou katoa We are now well into Term 1 and as usual there is plenty happening at Horowhenua College. As a board we look forward to rising to the challenges and opportunities that come our way during the year! A special welcome to all those families and...
BOARD UPDATE December 2017
Dec 1, 2017
Kia ora koutou katoa Our final board report for the year for 2017! As you may be aware we had two board of trustees positions up for nomination and election. No new nominations were received by the closing date of 17th November, so we are delighted that our...
BOARD UPDATE November 2017
Nov 1, 2017
Tēnā koutou katoa Term 4 is always such a busy term in the life of the school. It has been wonderful these last couple of weeks to attend the first of our celebrations of student achievement through the Sports and Cultural awards. We will soon be having our Gateway...