The college was very pleased at its last Board meeting to co-opt Jhyslle Ratima to the Board. Jhyslle is a Rangatahi Ora parent representative, and we are already appreciating the lens she brings to Board discussions. We have asked Jhyslle to tell our college community a bit about herself:
Tēnā koutou katoa,
My name is Jhyslle Ratima and I have recently been appointed the privilege of Māori Representative on the Horowhenua College Board.
I am a full-time mother of three, my eldest child being a proud Māori achiever through Rangatahi Ora and a proud Māori student of Horowhenua College. As a former student of this college I will use that experience as a fundamental guide for my role on the Board. My goal is to advocate the cultural and individual values of our rangitahi so they may achieve their greatest potential in all they do.
Nō reira, ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.
Tēnā tātou katoa.