Hannah Wedlock is one of the top painters in New Zealand for her age. Hannah, a Year 13 student at Horowhenua College in 2017 received NCEA Level 3 Excellence for her painting portfolio and Excellence endorsement for Painting. Now she has been identified by NZ Qualifications Authority as one of the top 15 Painting students in the country.
NZQA have asked Hannah for her painting portfolio to be part of the NZQA Top Art exhibition. From March to September, the top NCEA Level 3 Art portfolios from around NZ will tour the country in an exhibition that allows the public to view the high calibre of work created by students. It also provides an opportunity for this year’s Visual Arts students to gain an idea of what they need to aim for in order to achieve excellence for themselves. The portfolios will be displayed to a range of galleries, museums and schools throughout NZ.
Hannah says “Most of my spare time was put towards completing my portfolio. I was painting lots of my evenings and weekends”. On receiving the letter from NZQA informing her and her achievement, Hannah is very surprised and very honoured. “I’m really happy for my work to be recognised in this way”.
Horowhenua College Principal, Grant Congdon is “absolutely amazed at Hannah’s talent at painting. Her portfolio shows not only her quality of painting, but also tells a story using clever analogy and detail. I’m very proud of what she has achieved”.
Horowhenua College Head of Art, Jeanette Gilroy, says “In my long career as an Art Teacher, Hannah is one of the most gifted artists I’ve ever taught. Not only has she a high level of talent and ability in painting, but she also has a very good work ethic and determination to succeed.”
Hannah’s goal is now to attend Massey University (Wellington) and complete a Degree of Fine Arts in Painting, Photography and possibly film.
Pictured: Hannah Wedlock and Head of Faculty Arts, Jeanette Gilroy.
Grant Congdon